Research Aim


 Based on the Garden City concept, considering the town and country as a whole, we study about the spatial planning of the landscape field for the purpose of realizing a sustainable life.

ガーデンシティ Garden City 

 In Howard’s imaginative landscape, and Thomas Moore’s Utopia, the citizens of the city appreciate greenery and create a lush and self-sufficient, sustainable city.

持続可能性 Sustainability

In the background of environmental issues lie the solutions of reducing environmental impact, local production and local consumption, recycling, and building under ecological and environmentally sound policies.
・地域自治(ガバナンス) 住民主体の計画
Regional autonomy, governance being planned by residents.
・次世代育成 子どもの参画、環境教育など
Development of the next generation through children’s participation, such as environmental education.

生活 life 
人間の生活を基盤として計画学を構築。人間の生活の向上Well-being のために空間の計画をどうくみたてるか。弱者子どもの生活=遊び、人間生活と環境など
The foundation of planning through the use of people’s daily lives as the basic building block. Planning and assembling space while considering the improved well-being of people. For example, children are not often considered, but their lives are those of play, and should be considered in the planning process. Human life and the natural environment are interdependent, and this must be considered in planning, etc.20153
